室外建筑环境渲染教程 Udemy – 3DS Max and V-ray for Architect – Advanced 3D Visualisation


室外建筑环境渲染教程 Udemy – 3DS Max and V-ray for Architect – Advanced 3D Visualisation

在3DS MAX里面利用Vray渲染器来制作室外建筑环境模型渲染教程,学习灯光的设置,Vray材质在PS的制作等

This course is going to help you to gain the skill of photorealistic 3d visualization in 3ds Max and V-ray. You’ll learn all the secrets of photorealistic rendering, complex Vray materials and correct postprocessing in Photoshop. You’ll be able to make some special schticks that will speed up your work in several times.

