Maya汽车折纸动画教程 Creating an Animated Paper Folding Effect in Maya

Digital Tutors – Creating an Animated Paper Folding Effect in Maya

Maya汽车折纸动画教程 Creating an Animated Paper Folding Effect in Maya


Throughout this Maya tutorial, we’ll learn the process of how to create a paper folding animation.Utilizing Maya’s Geometry cache we’ll run a dynamic deformer, nCloth simulations and vertex animation to get the look we want. We’ll go through how to manipulate, duplicate and edit our Geometry cache files. We’ll also talk about how we can control our render times and plan ahead for working on a render farm.Once you’ve completed this Maya training, you’ll not only know how to achieve this result but you’ll also understand how you can optimize it to meet any deadline.


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C4D折纸教程 Cinema 4D R13 Paper Folding Animation Tutorial

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3 Responses

  1. Rain_effect说道:

    你好 有中文版吗?

  2. Rain_effect说道:

