C4D链条生成插件 C4DZone Chain Generator 1.0 R13-R16


C4D链条生成插件 C4DZone Chain Generator 1.0 R13-R16


Chain Generator is a Cinema 4D R13/14/15/16 plugin that helps user to create and animate any kind of mechanical chain with one click.

Draw an open spline on the front view, click on Create Chain button and now in spline point mode try to connect the chain with drag and drop.

Once the chain is closed you can press play and the chain start to spin.

You don’t have to take care about Xpresso and the rigging, plugin do it for you and create controller for adjust the chain speed rotation.

Of course the chain is fully parametric, you can customize the ring type or model a new one and use it.

You can have fun with the plugin creating chainsaw, tank chain, bicycle chain and much more.


  • Create mechanical full rigged chain from spline with one click
  • Parametric chain ring customizable
  • Use your ring model
  • Adjustment of chain speed


  1. 将ChainGenerator_en里面的chaingenerator文件夹拷贝到C4D插件文件夹下
  2. 将ChainGenerator_KG文件夹拷贝到C4D插件文件夹下
  3. 打开C4D,Plugin插件目录下选择ChainGenerator Kengen弹出许可文件生成窗口,点击Generate youe license,弹出序列号窗口,右键复制序列号
  4. Plugin插件目录下选择Reload Python Plugin弹出插件注册窗口,粘贴序列号,点击Activate youe license,就可以激活插件了
  5. 关闭C4D,删掉插件目录下的ChainGenerator_KG文件夹,重启C4D,就可以看到ChainGenerator插件了



2 Responses

  1. fanny说道:

    不好意思 我跑错地方了 我想说的是 grasspainter- –

  2. 可人说道:

