Nuke VR虚拟现实视频特效合成插件 The Foundry CaraVR 1.0v5 Nuke 10.5 Win/Mac破解版

The Foundry CaraVR

Nuke VR虚拟现实视频特效合成插件 The Foundry CaraVR 1.0v5 Nuke 10.5 Win/Mac破解版

CARA VR由四部分构成:

  • 缝合工具针对多个相机阵列的画面,可以计算出焦距和镜头扭曲,用独立于深度的包裹算法把多台相机拍摄的画面缝合成连续的360度视频。
  • 画面调整工具,包括匹配不同画面的曝光和白平衡,画面增稳,拉平地平线,手动缝合。
  • 用户能在一个球形图像空间工作的合成工作流,包括跟踪,设备擦除和光线追踪渲染虚拟元素等。
  • 交互式回放工作流,用户可以使用Oculus Rift头显直接在Nuke上通过时间轴预览回放视频。

CARA VR™—the much-anticipated new plug-in toolset for the NUKE® family of compositing, editorial and finishing products—helps you to create incredible live-action virtual reality content.
With a specialised toolset that includes headset review, CARA VR dramatically speeds up the challenging and often tedious process of stitching and compositing 360° video footage, so you have more time to focus on creating high-quality immersive experiences.

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