C4D+Nuke科幻飞船场景合成教程 Compositing a Hovercraft Landing in CINEMA 4D and NUKE

Digital Tutors - Compositing a Hovercraft Landing in CINEMA 4D and NUKE

C4D+Nuke科幻飞船场景合成教程 Compositing a Hovercraft Landing in CINEMA 4D and NUKE

C4D和Nuke结合合成制作科幻飞船着陆的科幻特效场景,首先用C4D R16新增加的摄像机反求跟踪功能,然后将数据链接到Nuke中进行合成,灯光,阴影,景深的匹配等

In this CINEMA 4D and NUKE tutorial we’ll learn how to composite a live action plate with multi-passes rendered out of CINEMA 4D R16. We’ll start by tracking the camera for our scene. We’ll cover the new camera tracker toolkit in CINEMA 4D as well as how to setup passes that’ll be added together in a complex NUKE composite. Next, we’ll perform some diagnostics and begin to light our asset to match the scene effectively and realistically. Finally, we’ll learn various techniques for ground shadow, light wrap, heat distortion and depth of field that will really help blend our scene together nicely. By the end of this CINEMA 4D and NUKE training you’ll have a better understanding of how to create a professional VFX shot.



3 Responses

  1. 小格说道:


  2. lzp066214644说道:

