三维建筑景观绘图设计软件 FormZ PRO 8.6.5 Win/Mac破解版


三维建筑景观绘图设计软件 FormZ PRO 8.6.5 Win/Mac破解版

formZ 是3D绘图软件之一,FORMZ是一个备受赞赏、具有很多广泛而独特的2D/3D形状处理和凋塑功能的多用途实体和平面建模软件。对於需要经常处理有关3D空间和形状的专业人士(例如建筑师、景观建筑师、城市规划师、工程师、动画和插画师、工业和室内设计师)来说是一个有效率的设计工具。

form•Z pro is a powerful 3D design application featuring a variety of modeling personalities and tools with an easy to use interface to express and communicate your imagination. It is based on advanced 3D solid and surface modeling methods that maintain accurate representations as you progress from design to visualization, layout, animation and fabrication.

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