Plexus风格线框轮廓C4D教程 Creating Geometry With Python In C4D

Creating Geometry With Python In C4D

Plexus风格线框轮廓C4D教程 Creating Geometry With Python In C4D

人体轮廓线框Plexus风格C4D教程,主要用到Thinking Particles 和 Python来编写制作

In this Entagma tutorial, Manuel shows you how to create a plexus style wireframe effect directly in Cinema4D with off the shelf tools using Thinking Particles and Python


1 Response

  1. MrV说道:

    为啥我的Thinking Particles管理里面 粒子种类只有一个全部没有AB两类啊。后面没有生成那些线,粒子都是正常的
