三维渲染室内摄影棚灯光HDR环境软件 Lightmap HDRLightStudio 5.3.5 Win 破解版

Lightmap HDR Light Studio 5.3

三维渲染室内摄影棚灯光HDR环境软件 Lightmap HDRLightStudio 5.3.5 Win 破解版

HDR Light Studio是一款专业级高动态范围3D渲染软件HDR制作软件,能够帮助3D艺术家快速设计、创建、调整HDRI高动态范围照明/反射图,包括摄影工作室光照效果。

Today, Lightmap announced the immediate availability of HDR Light Studio version 5.3. This new release adds ‘Area Lights’ to its feature set, allowing users to interactively create and control both a HDRI Map and a set of Area Lights, with the same ‘artist friendly’ ease of use that has made HDR Light Studio a favourite lighting tool with professional 3D artists world-wide.


  1. 安装HDRLightStudio5_Win_2016.0810.exe
  2. 拷贝替换文件夹中的HDRLightStudio.exe到安装目录替换
  3. 拷贝LightmapLTD.lic到C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\lightmap\licenses


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