融化文字动画C4D教程 Cinema 4D R20 – Create a Liquid Text Reveal Using Mograph Fields & Volumes


融化文字动画C4D教程 Cinema 4D R20 – Create a Liquid Text Reveal Using Mograph Fields & Volumes

主要讲解C4D R20的新功能:MoGraph 域和体积建模相结合的相关知识,制作黏糊糊的融化文字动画效果

In this tutorial by EJ Hassenfratz, you’ll discover how to combine MoGraph Fields and Volumes to create a blobby text reveal in Cinema 4D R20.


  • How to use Volume Builder to combine elements together
  • How to use Field Layers to wipe on geometry
  • Using Group Fields to create interesting organic wipes

