3D纹理贴图制软件 The Foundry MARI 3.1v3 Win/Mac/Linux AMPED/XFORCE破解版

The Foundry Mari 2.6v2 Win:Mac:Linux

3D纹理贴图绘制软件 The Foundry MARI 3.1v3 Win/Mac/Linux AMPED/XFORCE破解版


MARI is the most fluid and natural way to paint in 3D. It makes life simple for artists by allowing them to paint directly onto 3D models with more time for painting and less time managing technical issues.

Win版本      Mac版本    Linux版本

2 Responses

  1. 哎丶呀说道:


  2. SHAOWEYE2480说道:

    破解不错。赞!不过貌似绑定了 破解时的 IP。离线无法使用,换IP也 无法使用了。。
