Maya节点控制器插件 Mainframe North MASH v3.3.1 for Maya 2012/2013/2014/2015/2016 Win/Mac/Linux

Maya Mainframe MASH

Maya节点控制器插件 Mainframe North MASH v3.3.1 for Maya 2012/2013/2014/2015/2016 Win/Mac/Linux


MASH is a suite of 24 Maya nodes developed in-house at Mainframe aimed at enabling our artists to create versatile ‘motion design’ style animations. It offers a selection of effector nodes which can be daisy chained together to generate a wide variety of customisable effects. It’s fully controllable from both Maya’s Attribute and Node Editors.


  1. 断网,安装对应版本插件,运行maya
  2. 打开Maya,Creat->MASH -> Register,开始注册
  3. 选择离线激活offline license,利用注册机生成许可文件(注意mac地址格式xx:xx:xx…)
  4. 注册后重启maya,完成注册
  5. 运行过一次后,联网,对于mac和Linux用户,注册机使用方法,终端:chmod +x unixmashkg./unixmashkg


2 Responses

  1. Stokis说道:


  2. 赋予灵魂说道:

    同样的问题,找不到指定的模块。 试了很多的方法了。 就差重做系统了。
