C4D表达式全面讲解教程 Udemy – Mastering XPresso with CINEMA 4D

C4D表达式全面讲解教程 Udemy – Mastering XPresso with CINEMA 4D

全面讲解C4D XPresso表达式的试用方法,XPresso编辑器的介绍、多种节点的使用、MoGraph的讲解等

This course introduces students to the XPresso module of the CINEMA 4D which is a node-based visual scripting language. This course covers XPresso Editor and different nodes under the XPresso and MoGraph classes and takes you step-by-step through the whole process of building node networks in XPresso Editor. Numerous examples are used to show the functioning of the nodes.



1 Response

  1. 阿白说道:

