C4D流体特效插件 Navie Effex + Krakatoa Edition 2.56.60 Win for Cinema4D R13-R16

Navie Effex

C4D流体特效插件 Navie Effex + Krakatoa Edition 2.56.60 Win for Cinema4D R13-R16

The new Effex is a modular, object-oriented framework inside of Cinema 4D that offers a variety of effects to be modelled, animated, simulated and rendered. Each object acts on its own and offers a certain functionality to extent the framework or existing functionality.Its repertoire covers a wide range of features (but is not limited to these) from volumetric modeling to fluid simulation.


  • 注册KrakatoaSR:在C盘建立一个FlexLM文件夹,然后把thinkbox.lic放进去,然后运行ThinkBox_LicPath.reg,把thinkbox.lic里面的HOSTID=000000000000改成自己电脑的mac地址(中间无空格)
  • 安装KrakatoaSR for Effex:拷贝Navie Effex文件夹到C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R16_xxxxxxxx\plugins

传送门:C4D流体特效插件 Navie Effex + Krakatoa Edition +LicenseServer v2.50.01 R13-R16 Win/Mac


1 Response

  1. 被遗忘者说道:

    又更新了 大爷的!很久之前下的都还没有安装!
