C4D钻石群制作渲染合成教程+工程文件 Creating A Procedural Crystal City In Cinema 4D


C4D钻石群制作渲染合成教程+工程文件 Creating A Procedural Crystal City In Cinema 4D


Motion Designer Daniel Danielsson posts a four part look into creating a procedural crystal city in Cinema 4D, that covers modeling all the way up to animation and rendering. The crystal city makes use of simple shapes in C4D along with cloners, MoExtrude, deformers and effectors. Parts two and three have a look at creating the materials and environment, along with the particles which add a noise touch to the piece.


4 Responses

  1. Magi_Aladdin说道:

    敢问站长何时有c4d r18正式版

  2. wing说道:

