泰迪熊合成 vfxbro.com – Real World Animations in After Effects

AE+Mocha实拍合成泰迪熊 vfxbro.com – Real World Animations in After Effects

This training thoroughly takes you through the entire process involved in creating a large variety of realistic Real World Animations using the Ted videos and After Effects as a learning platform.


This Real World Animation series includes over 80 minutes and 15 lessons using After Effects, Mocha (free with After Effects), and Mocha Import +. This training is organized into 3 separate sections that include Body Animation, Facial Animation, Mixing Complex Shots, Shooting on Set, and even a bonus tutorial Export for Vine.


PS project and media files not included, sorry guys, I don’t have them

PPS there is some mess with lessons 10-11 (they are the same) and 14-15 (they named the same, but have different content)


PPS:第10 11讲是一样的,14 15讲名字一样,但内容是不一样的(我已经给修正了)




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