C4D场景动画教程(英文字幕) Lynda – Cinema 4D: X-Particles and Redshift Techniques

Lynda – Cinema 4D X-Particles and Redshift Techniques

C4D场景动画教程(英文字幕) Lynda – Cinema 4D: X-Particles and Redshift Techniques

C4D进阶教程,讲解利用XP粒子插件的emitters, xpInfectio,  Explosia FX功能来搭建一个动画场景,然后通过Redshift渲染器来缓存和渲染

Instructor Ryan McCauley demonstrates a complete project, building a scene using emitters, xpInfectio, and Explosia FX. He shows how to render the scene using elements of X-Particles data with user data nodes in Redshift. Ryan also walks through ways to speed up a workflow and lookdev using caching and VDBs to import the particle simulations, providing faster playback that maintains access to needed render data. Most of these methods transfer over to other particle systems, including built-in C4D particles, thinking particles, and Houdini simulations.


