19个实用AE表达式教程 19 Useful Expressions in After Effects

19 Useful Expressions in After Effects

19个实用AE表达式教程 19 Useful Expressions in After Effects

介绍AE中19个常用的表达式使用方法,这个是第二季,第一季传送门:16个AE常用表达式使用教程 16 Useful Expressions in After Effects

In this tutorial, Sergei Prokhnevskiy shares with us 19 simple and useful expressions which you can use daily to speed up your After Effects workflow.


  1. Modulus %
  2. Active & Enabled
  3. Parent
  4. Try/Catch
  5. hasParent
  6. Else if()
  7. Function
  8. sampleImage()
  9. Time Conversion
  10. velocityAtTime() & speedAtTime()
  11. //Comment
  12. inPoint & outPoint
  13. smooth()
  14. lookAt()
  15. posterizeTime()
  16. fromComp() % fromWorld()
  17. fromCompToSurface()
  18. key()
  19. marker.key()

