C4D沙发多边形建模教程 3DFluff – Cinema 4D R16 Polygon Modelling

3DFluff - Cinema 4D R16 Polygon Modelling

C4D沙发多边形建模教程 3DFluff – Cinema 4D R16 Polygon Modelling

C4D R16中以欧式沙发多边形建模为例,讲解建模过程中常用的样条线和多边形技巧

In this series of videos we have decided to take on the tricky task of modelling a luxurious Chesterfield leather sofa from Italian designers, Berto. With such a shape, we have to approach things a little differently; extruded splines and primitive shapes just won’t do when the subject is as organic as this.

传送门:C4D R16快速渲染设置教程 3DFluff – Cinema 4D  R16 HighSpeed Rendering


3 Responses

  1. 谢谢分享说道:


  2. BP说道:

    Download big prolemps bro how to download please help me!
