AE圆圈MG动画脚本 Circles OtherCubed

Circle Cut Examples

AE圆圈MG动画脚本 Circles OtherCubed


Circles is a free script for After Effects, which can create impressive animations and transitions in a fraction of the time it would take to create conventionally.


  • Single animation layer for super simple usability.
  • 40+ options for customisability.
  • Lots of Time, Scale and Rotation offset options!
  • As complex or simple as you want.
  • Cut, Slice, Wave and Scanline effects that can be mixed and matched, with individual offsets.
  • Two Colour layers that can be swapped out for other comps to sample their colours!
  • Completely Vector based, so everything can be scaled indefinitely! No more blurry edges.
  • Polygons! Now you can change to polygons and choose number of sides/roundness.


  1. Run the Circles Installer through After Effects (File<Script<Run Script File) and find Circles Installer.jsx wherever you’ve unzipped the zip.
  2. Close After Effects and copy ‘Circles’ folder to the After Effects Scripts Folder.
  3. Open After Effects, create a new project and composition with the dimensions and frame rate you want, and then run the ‘Circles.jsx’ script from the File<Script menu inside AE.
  1. 打开AE,File<Script<Run Script File,选择Circles Installer.jsx进行安装
  2. 关闭AE,拷贝Circles文件夹到AE的脚本Scripts文件夹下面
  3. 打开AE,新建一个工程,File<Script,可以看到并运行Circles.jsx


传送门:AE预设Sweets motion动态元素包


4 Responses

  1. ak说道:

    ae cc英文版,出来的圆圈描边都是黑色且无法改变颜色 不知道群主的也是这样么?

  2. ak说道:

    已弄明白 需要在控制层里选择颜色图层

  3. 榴莲小妞说道:

