专业视频调色AE插件 Color Cone v2.3 For After Effects Win破解版

Color Cone v2.3

专业视频调色AE插件 Color Cone v2.3 For After Effects Win破解版

Color Cone是一个全新的专业调色插件,将视频色彩元素以圆锥的形式呈现进行调节

Color Cone is an entirely new concept for color correction as well as the creation of looks. This software is powerful as well as intuitive and it is able to deliver impressive results with a few clicks. Color Cone is based on an HCL–color model which is visualized in the form of a bicone (which has also given Color Cone it’s name)


  • 安装Color Cone Plugin 2.3.1.exe
  • 拷贝Color Cone.aex到C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore,替换即可



1 Response

  1. dddsss说道:

    ae cc 2015实测,耍几下就报错崩溃,不知是不是个例。。
