ZBrush卡通角色雕刻教程 Gumroad Matt Thorup – Intro to ZBrush and Character Design

Gumroad Matt Thorup – Intro to ZBrush and Character Design

ZBrush卡通角色雕刻教程 Gumroad Matt Thorup – Intro to ZBrush and Character Design

讲解 ZBrush的基本操作教程和一些建模雕刻基本人物的技巧,超过6个小时的教程,完整讲解整个人物制作的流程,例如人物的眼睛,鼻子和嘴巴等,在Zbrush中渲染好后,最后在PS中修整

With this tutorial you will learn the basics of ZBrush and some core principles in creating an appealing character. With over 6 hours of instruction, we will go over the process of creating a character from scratch. The videos cover all the techniques I use in sculpting a
character, such as the eyes, nose and mouth, as well as some cool tricks and work flow to create stylized hair. Finally, we will go over some easy steps to get the best render out of ZBrush, and then how to clean it up and polish it in Photoshop.


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  1. fooljet说道:

