AE将2D图片转换成3D效果 Premiumbeat Making a 2D Image 3D in After Effects

AE将2D图片转换成3D效果 premiumbeat  Making a 2D Image 3D in After Effects

premiumbeat的教程,给2D图片模拟3D效果,这个教程中主要用置换贴图 displacement map做,运用图钉工具,置换贴图,增加3D景深。3D效果真的很棒。

Add life to your two dimensional still pictures by giving them a simulated 3D look. There are multiple ways to achieve this in After Effects…and in the following video tutorial we’ll show you how it’s done with a displacement map. The 2D to 3D animation is surprisingly simple.

This video tutorial covers:

  • Using the puppet tool
  • Using the displacement map effect
  • Creating a 3D depth map


2 Responses

  1. Eason说道:

