XP粒子珊瑚生长C4D教程 Cinema 4D – Procedural Coral Growth using X-Particles and Cycles


XP粒子珊瑚生长C4D教程 Cinema 4D – Procedural Coral Growth using X-Particles and Cycles

在C4D中利用X-Particles 4粒子插件来模拟创意珊瑚生长动画效果,涉及XP粒子的运动图形系统,流体系统的模拟,材质的制作,着色器的使用等

In this tutorial by Bob Walmsley, we’ll recreate the procedural coral growth scene using X-Particles and render it with Cycles 4D inside Cinema 4D.


  • Using the Cellular Automata Generator to create the particle growth system
  • Implementing particle data mapping to dynamically size our particles
  • Integrating our X-Particles system with the Cinema 4D MoGraph system
  • Creating an xpExplosiaFX smoke and fire simulation to advect dust particles
  • Caching the scene
  • Setting up a simple camera move


  • Creating custom materials in Cycles 4D
  • Using environment and object lighting
  • Mixing multiple shaders to create complex looks
  • Building and utilizing detailed noise textures to mix materials
  • Tapping into particle color data to transition between materials
  • Setting up the depth of field and motion blur

