关键帧过渡绑定MG动画AE教程 Udemy – Rigging with Joysticks n’sliders in After Effects

关键帧过渡绑定MG动画AE教程 Udemy – Rigging with Joysticks n’sliders in After Effects

Joysticks n’sliders脚本可以给图形打5个关键位置的关键帧,就可以随意控制5个关键帧位置的过渡动画,可视化控制,本教程全面讲解该脚本在MG动画制作中的使用方法

We will first explain the tools of the joystick panel and how they work and then we’ll talk about Sliders panel tools, so that in the next few chapters that we’ll be doing the project and rigging the face, no more ambiguity about the tools of this script.


