PS粘土橡皮泥效果插件 AD Plastiline Lab For Photoshop CS6-CC2015.3 Win/Mac


PS粘土橡皮泥效果插件 AD Plastiline Lab For Photoshop CS6-CC2015.3 Win/Mac

AD Plastiline Lab是PS的一款扩展插件,可以快速制作多种风格的粘土橡皮泥效果,多种材质风格背景可以选择
AD Plastiline Lab is a Photoshop Creative Cloud Panel with tools to emulate Plastiline shapes and textures. Get really creative with these innovative modelling tools for Photoshop: 27 Plastiline styles, 16 Tools to cut, scrape, push and smooth, 8 seamless backgrounds and 64 Color Swatches! Build your artwork from zero or apply the Plastiline styles to your existing layers

——–PS CS6安装步骤:———–

  1. 退出PS
  2. 电脑需要安装EXTENSION MANAGER CS6版本,下载地址:
  3. 打开Adobe Extension Manager CC
  4. 点击Install安装,选择ad.plastilinelab_CC.zxp
  5. 打开PS,在编辑-预设-预设管理器,预设类型下拉选择图案,在右边的小齿轮,选择AD Plastiline Lab
  6. 同样的,下拉选择样式,选择AD Plastiline Lab,下拉选择工具,选择AD Plastiline Lab
  7. 在PS顶部菜单,窗口-动作,在动作面板,右上角下拉,选择AD Plastiline Lab
  8. 在PS顶部菜单,窗口-色板,在色板面板,右上角下拉,选择AD Plastiline Lab

———–PS CC(V14.0)安装步骤:———–

  1. 退出PS CC
  2. 电脑需要安装EXTENSION MANAGER CC,下载地址:
  3. 打开Adobe Extension Manager CC
  4. 点击Install安装,选择ad.plastilinelab_CC.zxp
  5. 完成安装后打开PS,在顶部菜单,窗口-扩展-AD Plastiline Lab

———–PS CC 2014-CC2015.3安装步骤:———–

  1. 退出PS
  2. 下载ZXP Installer,下载地址:
  3. 用ZXP Installer打开ad.plastilinelab_CC.zxp,进行安装
  4. 完成安装后打开PS,在顶部菜单,窗口-扩展-AD Plastiline Lab


1 Response

  1. mmsrph说道:

    安裝之後按按鈕沒反應怎麼辦?mac adobe cc 2015
