Substance Designer建筑外观材质贴图制作教程 ArtStation – 8 Facade Material + Tutorials

Substance Designer建筑外观材质贴图制作教程 ArtStation – 8 Facade Material + Tutorials

17个小时的视频教程,讲解在Substance Designer种制作不同的建筑外观材质,制作真实的PBR贴图材质,也包含制作好的材质预设

This Product includes 8 facade Materials for Substance designer and 4K PBR texture. You can use the PBR Textures for any program that works with PBR workflow!Making building facade in substance designer without any modelling, just nodes and blend them. In this tutorial, you can learn how to use basic node in substance designer to create a procedural facade only in 300 minutes. Learning this technique can help you understand what you can do in the substance designer for the projects like this.



3 Responses

  1. ISKAYZI说道:


  2. 小不溜说道:

