C4D地面塌陷教程 Cinema 4D VFX Volume 1: Ground Collapse

Cinema 4D VFX Volume 1 Ground Collapse

C4D地面塌陷教程 Cinema 4D VFX Volume 1: Ground Collapse

用C4D插件Turbulence FD X-Particles制作地面塌陷效果。

In this training series you’ll learn how to create the ground collapsing effect from the trailer completely from scratch. We’ll cover a lot of topics, including custom fracturing of objects & dynamics, Turbulence FD & X-Particle setups plus much more.


C4D流体模拟插件Jawset TurbulenceFD v1.0 Rev 1291 Retail WIN64 R12-R15

C4D高级粒子插件 X-Particles v2 Pro For Cinema 4D R13-R15 Win/Mac

