卡通角色Maya建模教程 Creating Cartoon Characters in Maya

Pluralsight – Creating Cartoon Characters in Maya

卡通角色Maya建模教程 Creating Cartoon Characters in Maya

讲解常用的Maya 2017建模规则和技巧,主要位置边缘的处理,比如手和面部,然后学习展UV等整个流程

At the core of character modeling is a thorough knowledge of Maya. In this course, Creating Cartoon Characters in Maya, you’ll learn some important modeling principles and techniques for creating a stylized character from concept to final UV’s. First, you’ll discover how to use image planes to guide the creation of a model. Next, you’ll explore the proper edge flow for key areas that have heavy deformations, such as the hands and face. Then, you’ll learn the toolsets for unfolding and laying out UV’s. Finally, you’ll finish up with how to cleanup files and how to organize the. By the end of this course, you’ll have the proper knowledge and skillset to create production quality character models.

