图片扭曲变形滤镜PS插件 Flaming Pear Flexify 2.981 for Photoshop Win破解版

Flaming Pear Flexify 2.981 for Adobe Photoshop

图片扭曲变形滤镜PS插件 Flaming Pear Flexify 2.981 for Photoshop Win破解版


Flexify 2 — Amazing Plugin! Want to turn a picture of your kids into a cube, print your photos with origami folds, or make your house look as if it is reflected in a mirrored sphere? These are just a few things you can do with Flexify! With Flexify you can bend spherical panoramas into vertiginous new shapes. Make hyper-wide-angle views, print panoramas and maps as foldable solids and ‘globe gores’, simulate impossible lenses, and much more. Bend spherical panoramas into vertiginous new shapes.


  • 将Flexify-298 64bit.8bf(64位PS用)或者Flexify-298 32bit.8bf(32位PS用)拷贝到PS安装目录的Plug-ins里面即可
  • 重启PS,在顶部菜单,滤镜-Flaming Pear-Flexify2即可看到插件


