Houdini小面积水流特效动画教程 Houdini.School – HS-235 Small Scale Fluids

Houdini小面积水流特效动画教程 Houdini.School – HS-235 Small Scale Fluids

本教程讲解控制水面张力的方法、自定义流体模拟控制和工作流程介绍等。 也会涉及到比如项目设置注意事项、FLIP 设置、基本力、使用碰撞对象进行优化、网格划分、力的高级使用、VDB 技术、流体弯曲以及使用渲染引擎等。

This course offers a unique approach to creating small-scale fluids specifically designed for macro-style shot sequences in production. In this 2-session course, students will delve into various concepts, including good surface tension approaches, custom fluid simulation control, and workflow techniques/hacks. Topics covered include, project setup do’s and don’ts, FLIP settings (emission and variable viscosity), basic forces, working with collision objects for optimization, meshing, advanced use of forces, VDB techniques, fluid bending, and lookdev using rendering engines like Redshift and Karma.


