Blender真是物理交互碰撞移动插件 Interactive Physics Editor v1.1.7 For Blender 2.79+

Blender真是物理交互碰撞移动插件 Interactive Physics Editor v1.1.7 For Blender 2.79+

在移动物体的时候,Interactive Physics Editor会自动模拟现实物理效果,模型之间会发生碰撞交互,不会相互嵌入

Let’s say you’re arranging 3d models that represent real world objects. The virtual arrangement should be reproducible in reality, so it’s important that the 3D models not collide or intersect. In a standard workflow, you’ll waste valuable time tweaking each object to prevent intersections and collisions by hand.The Interactive Physics Editor is an addon for Blender designed to simplify this process. In an Interactive Physics Session, objects will dynamically shift out of the way of the object(s) you are transforming to prevent them from passing through one another.


  • 2.79, 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83


  • 将对应插件文件夹复制到Blender安装目录下的addons目录下,比如:C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.xx\scripts\addons
  • 打开Blender,在文件-用户设置-插件,即可看到安装的插件了



2 Responses

  1. Dave Lee说道:

