Maya动力学特效基础教程 Skillshare – Maya for Beginners: Dynamic FX

Skillshare - Maya for Beginners Dynamic FX

Maya动力学特效基础教程 Skillshare – Maya for Beginners: Dynamic FX


In this final section of the “Maya for Beginner” series we will cover how to create interesting animated dynamic effects through simulations. You can start with this section if you like but I highly recommend taking one of the other sections first as this is a more advanced topic for a true beginner and I would recommend the order: modeling, texturing, rigging, animation, and then this course.

  • Bullet Physics for Rigid Body Simulations
  • Shattering Objects for Simulating
  • nHair Rope Dynamics
  • nCloth Dynamics
  • MASH Dynamics (Maya’s motion graphics tools)
  • Bifrost Dynamics (Liquid and Smoke)

