Blender个性化游戏三维场景制作教程 Udemy – Stylized 3D Environments with Blender 4 Geometry Nodes

Blender个性化游戏三维场景制作教程 Udemy – Stylized 3D Environments with Blender 4 Geometry Nodes


This course is a game-changer for artists and designers eager to elevate their skills and efficiency in the realm of 3D modelling, especially when it comes to crafting environments that pop. Blender 4’s Geometry Nodes are a revolutionary tool, offering a node-based interface that lets you procedurally generate and manipulate complex 3D geometries with ease. If you’re looking to explore the vast capabilities of geometry nodes, including everything from a grass meadow generator to an intricate ivy generator, ‘Stylized Environments with Blender 4 Geometry Nodes’ has got you covered.


