UE5游戏场景制作教程 Stylized Environment Creation for Games

 UE5游戏场景制作教程 Stylized Environment Creation for Games

在这个初中级教程中,作者讲解如何在UE5中制作一个简单的三维游戏场景,包括植物的制作、模型贴图的制作等,会用到Unreal、Blender、ZBrush、Substance Painter、Photoshop、TreeIt等软件

In this beginner-to-intermediate-level workshop, Rodrigo Brea shares various professional techniques and approaches for building stylized environments. This 5-hour guide covers topics including how to analyze a concept and create a breakdown; how to set up a basic scene in Unreal 5; different ways to create a variety of assets, from grass/foliage/trees to a hero piece; as well as how to texture and create a reusable Substance Smart Material.


