GSG灰猩猩C4D变形插件 Transform 1.2254 + SuperText Cinema 4D R14-R18 Win/Mac

gsg Transform 1.2

GSG灰猩猩C4D变形插件 Transform 1.2254 + SuperText Cinema 4D R14-R18 Win/Mac


We added a bunch of new features in the latest version including the ability to break apart models and text into individual polygons. Then, you can animate each polygon using one of our new presets or using the “Custom Mode” that allows you to make your own animation with no keyframes.


  • Easily and Evenly Subdivide Your Text – For polygon or chunking effects with Transform.
  • Fix Cubic Projections – to make all your textures perfectly stick to your type with one click.
  • Bake Geometry While Keeping Your Text Parametric – to fix typefaces for rendering or sharing with clients.


3 Responses

  1. 闪耀的光辉说道:

    好像还是不能控制泰森分裂的对象吧?还是我用法不对?选择的克隆模式 看到演示也是克隆模式的

  2. 山雨欲来风满楼说道:

    Transform插件里找不到ref object

  3. zsz98781说道:

