破损混泥土贴图制作教程 ArtStation – Damaged Concrete Tutorial Vol.02

破损混泥土贴图制作教程 ArtStation – Damaged Concrete Tutorial Vol.02

讲解在Substance Designer中制作混泥土材质效果,包括基础贴图的制作,颜色和深度贴图的制作等

Concrete material is one of the most widely used materials that We should learn how to create. When we learn how to make it, we can have the largest number of outputs of this material model in the shortest time. Due to the ubiquity and widespread use of this material model, it is very important that you can produce this material model with high quality. In this material creation process, you can easily produce concrete materials and learn good points. I hope you enjoy and learn new things by watching this tutorial.


