Blender真实三维场景扫描搭建教程(英文字幕) Creative Shrimp – Photogrammetry Course Photoreal 3d With Blender And Reality Capture

Blender真实三维场景扫描搭建教程(英文字幕) Creative Shrimp – Photogrammetry Course Photoreal 3d With Blender And Reality Capture

通过Reality Capture扫描的真实图片,而不是用模型预设,在Blender中搭建逼真的三维场景

We believe this might be *the most* comprehensive photogrammetry video course, hands down. The course that will teach you how to make hyper-realistic 3d assets from photos. And not simply ‘any’ 3d assets, but the ones that are professional and clean and will enhance the realism of your 3d environments, like nothing else.


